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Unfortunately not very good

Interaction Design (B.A.)

  • Studieninhalte
  • Dozenten
  • Lehrveranstaltungen
  • Ausstattung
  • Organisation
  • Literaturzugang
  • Digitales Studieren
  • Gesamtbewertung
This University has so much potential but has been such a disappointment. No organization, their calendar is just for Apple so when you have an android or windows then you might miss some of your classes. It's a tech university and has not managed to create a platform for their students. The students have to work with four different platforms... So again, you might miss something important. Yes they're new but they had four entire years to optimize their organization.

Also I feel like they just accept everyone. So when you apply, there is a 99% chance you get accepted. The typical student is a privileged yt boy who loves to hear himself talk and thinks he is the new Elon Musk. They don't care about other students and love to talk to them in a very arrogant manner. Of course everything super nice and polite.

They claim to be so open and inclusive but don't do anything against sexism, racism and homophobia. People just get away with everything so why change something? There are no consequences.

What disappoints me the most is that they basically don't do anything for our education. They give a lecture and give us links to free online resources. There is no benefit for their students. No free team Treehouse, Codecademy or Coursera. Nothing! Like at all!!! Not even any office programs.

Unfortunately you can't critique them. Because if you do then you are mean. They would say something like "I am sure they are doing their best" well guess what, sometimes the best you do is not good enough. Especially when people buy your service. Also as soon as someone criticizes, students love to belittle these students. But what they criticize gets so many likes that I see that many more people think like that but are too afraid to speak up because of this behavior!

I really wanted to love this... But we don't get anything in return.

Aktuelle Bewertungen zum Studiengang

Annabell , 20.01.2024 - Interaction Design (B.A.)
Greta , 27.10.2021 - Interaction Design (B.A.)
Felix , 09.05.2021 - Interaction Design (B.A.)
Paula , 17.01.2021 - Interaction Design (B.A.)
Giuliano , 31.10.2019 - Interaction Design (B.A.)
Teresa , 08.07.2019 - Interaction Design (B.A.)
Chalida , 24.06.2019 - Interaction Design (B.A.)
Emily , 10.12.2018 - Interaction Design (B.A.)
Marie , 23.10.2018 - Interaction Design (B.A.)

Über Hua

  • Alter: 21-23
  • Geschlecht: Divers
  • Studienbeginn: 2019
  • Studienform: Vollzeitstudium
  • Standort: CODE University of Applied Sciences
  • Schulabschluss: Abitur
  • Weiterempfehlung: Nein
  • Geschrieben am: 25.02.2021
  • Veröffentlicht am: 01.03.2021