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A Stressful but Rewarding Course

Game Design (B.A.)

  • Studieninhalte
  • Dozenten
  • Lehrveranstaltungen
  • Ausstattung
  • Organisation
  • Literaturzugang
  • Digitales Studieren
  • Gesamtbewertung
I find that in Game Design specifically we are tasked to overwork more than the average student. This is not to say that this happens all the time but it could be better, factor in as well the fact that most of our time spent has been through Online courses so far. Higher semester students have given us comment on how the University was before the pandemic, the answers were almost always positive. The teachers play a big part in this, as they tend to be very attentive to us and are just as passionate as we are for Game Design, and they made up for the majority of the positive feedback the students gave us. The fact that we are now so disconnected from them due to online has made it so the best part of our studies becomes more hollow and unattractive. They have still managed to work besides us in some ways but it's clear that the best way to learn Game Design is through in-Uni classes.

Something else that doesn't help with the online experience has definitely been the lack of organization from the University. Classes could often be missed or left out from students due to the poor infrastructure of our online campus, and other times it we would be left with no teacher for some weeks because they failed to appoint a new one in time. This has made me and others in my course a bit bitter towards the overall experience we've had, but there have been some bright spots luckily. The project courses we've had so far have been great, they could have probably been better had they've been offline but I digress, the game we've been able to create and put online have given me a great deal of inspiration and confidence in my skills, as well as some very remarkable material to put on my portfolio. It also helps that our teachers are veterans in the industry, which gives even more validity to the positive comments from before.

In summary, my whole experience in Game Design has been quite nice, if only our University as a whole was just a bit better I'm confident that these semesters would have been outstanding. The Pandemic is dying down a bit, and assuming the Delta variant doesn't ruin on-campus courses again, we might be able to go back to the excellent offline classes we had previously. Game Design is great, I'd say.
  • Great teachers, good campus equipment, good comuincation between students and teachers
  • Lacking orginization, some mediocre courses that need to be filled, too demanding at times (crunching), somwhat bad online format

Aktuelle Bewertungen zum Studiengang

Clara , 11.11.2023 - Game Design (B.A.)
Barbod , 12.04.2023 - Game Design (B.A.)
Shannon , 12.04.2023 - Game Design (B.A.)
Jasmin , 28.07.2021 - Game Design (B.A.)
Mark , 14.12.2020 - Game Design (B.A.)
Xenia , 10.04.2018 - Game Design (B.A.)
Leon , 20.09.2017 - Game Design (B.A.)

Über Ian

  • Alter: 21-23
  • Geschlecht: Männlich
  • Abschluss: Ich studiere noch
  • Aktuelles Fachsemester: 4
  • Studienbeginn: 2019
  • Studienform: Standard Variante
  • Standort: Campus Berlin
  • Schulabschluss: Fachhochschulreife
  • Weiterempfehlung: Ja
  • Geschrieben am: 18.08.2021
  • Veröffentlicht am: 01.09.2021