European Management (MBA)
Das Studium "European Management" an der staatlichen "Universität des Saarlandes" hat eine Regelstudienzeit von 2 bis 8 Semestern und endet mit dem Abschluss "Master of Business Administration". Der Standort des Studiums ist Saarbrücken. Das Studium wird als Vollzeitstudium und Teilzeitstudium angeboten. Insgesamt wurde das Studium bisher 4 Mal bewertet. Dabei hat es im Durchschnitt 4.9 Sterne erhalten und liegt somit über dem Bewertungsdurchschnitt der Universität (3.8 Sterne, 1697 Bewertungen im Rating). Besonders gut wurden die Kategorien Studieninhalte, Dozenten und Lehrveranstaltungen bewertet.
Get trained to be future Industry Leaders
Realtime Examples, Fleet of best Professors from Europe, Positive Environment, Selectively identified Topics, Opportunity to learn world class skills, Aimed to develop future Industry Leaders, Well maintained Course Specific Library, Large University Library also accessible, Adoptive Free Language Courses. Overall, it also depends on how you evolve these learnings into opportunities.
Complementary skills and international
I consider this programm a great choice to provide complementary skills for your future. Lots of interaction and international students. Often extra activities in the region. Saarbrücken is a great location at the centre of Europe and at least one course is dictated abroad (Spain) with all travel costs included!
The MBA is a great opportunity for scientists
I joined the MBA as part-time student, after many years in academy, as post doc. I realized how valuable this course was for me, as scientist. It helped me to think outside the box, and combine the scientific knowledge with business mindset.
I also like the fact that the MBA European Management has a broad content, which can be applied and used for all business purpose. Finally the opportunity...Erfahrungsbericht weiterlesen
MBA Exchange Review
I joined the MBA European Management at Uni Saarland from Jan 2020 to Mar 2020 as a part of my exchange Trimester from IIFT Delhi.
Although I covered only 33% of the complete program with 8 courses, I had a great experience. Some highlights:
1. Rich course material especially on Data Analysis and Sustainability.
2. Diverse batch with people from all over the world makes it a...Erfahrungsbericht weiterlesen
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