Bericht archiviert

Inhalte schwach, aber coole Leute

Sustainable International Agriculture (M.Sc.)

  • Studieninhalte
  • Dozenten
  • Lehrveranstaltungen
  • Ausstattung
  • Organisation
  • Gesamtbewertung
Title: Weak Program Content, but the people are cool.

This program allows you to access the resources, professors, and projects of two universities - Georg-August-Universität Göttingen and Universität Kassel. This is certainly a positive point as students are able to appreciate the diversity within agriculture and academia. However, this causes organizational issues. Therefore, we are always getting administrative information much later than in other programs sometimes leading to the inability to take courses that are listed in the program. On that note, quite often the courses listed in the program are not offered at all OR depending on your specialization you may experience major schedule conflicts. Finally, I will comment that for a Master's program the lecture content, assignments, and exams are quite easy (too easy) and sometimes very juvenile. This was the most disappointing aspect of the program. The professors (if they agree to teach a class) are interesting and all have very interesting research going on, but the content of the courses too often doesn't match up to the caliber of the research at both institutions.
  • zwei Universitäten und Vielfalt von Perspektive
  • Schlechte Vorlesungen

Aktuelle Bewertungen zum Studiengang

Jana , 26.07.2021 - Sustainable International Agriculture (M.Sc.)
Annelise , 27.07.2016 - Sustainable International Agriculture (M.Sc.)
Louis , 30.06.2015 - Sustainable International Agriculture (M.Sc.)
A. , 12.06.2015 - Sustainable International Agriculture (M.Sc.)
Folu , 11.06.2015 - Sustainable International Agriculture (M.Sc.)
Katharina , 10.06.2015 - Sustainable International Agriculture (M.Sc.)
Leonie , 09.06.2015 - Sustainable International Agriculture (M.Sc.)
Riera , 09.06.2015 - Sustainable International Agriculture (M.Sc.)

Über Brie

  • Alter: 27-29
  • Geschlecht: Weiblich
  • Abschluss: Ich studiere noch
  • Studienbeginn: 2013
  • Studienform: Vollzeitstudium
  • Standort: Standort Göttingen
  • Weiterempfehlung: Nein
  • Geschrieben am: 09.06.2015
  • Veröffentlicht am: 10.06.2015