Programming courses are a disaster

Informatik (B.Sc.)

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all other courses were just fine and i had the best grades. just not in programming
the evaluation of students is done in a so unfair demotivating way. they make it so hard that barely few people pass then they blame us for not learning hard.

we tried to tell the FH and wrote anonymously about this (literally four full pages from everyone) and the FH did not do anything to stop it, felt like they had all the freedom to do whatever they wanted and no one could stop them, sometimes we wondered if what theyre doing is legal.

for example: BIG homeworks and u could easily get minus grade. because they grade depending on what is missing and not what is working. so its usual to get -10 points on your homework. then they moved to making four hour exams because they had no idea how to control who wrote their own code. (plagiat obsession i believe they have personal complexes they need to take out on students) and it got crazier from there because beginners cannot be too perfect. also they were changing rules and evaluation non stop and being so inconsistent because NOTHING was working and no one is passing (like 3 people passes out of 60) and it started raising red flags. Ofcourse the FH is not planning to fix it.

i could talk alot about this and how much students were frustrated, how many people left this FH just because of this. so just dont come here to study computer science that is my advice.
  • Great teachers, nice campus
  • Programming is not doable if youre not already REALLY experienced

Aktuelle Bewertungen zum Studiengang

Amine , 15.02.2024 - Informatik (B.Sc.)
Georg , 05.12.2023 - Informatik (B.Sc.)
David , 14.11.2023 - Informatik (B.Sc.)
Nadine , 07.11.2023 - Informatik (B.Sc.)
Michael , 16.06.2023 - Informatik (B.Sc.)
Maximilian , 09.03.2023 - Informatik (B.Sc.)
Benjamin , 05.06.2022 - Informatik (B.Sc.)
Denkay , 01.05.2022 - Informatik (B.Sc.)
Michael , 18.04.2022 - Informatik (B.Sc.)

Über michi

  • Alter: 21-23
  • Geschlecht: Weiblich
  • Studienbeginn: 2020
  • Studienform: Vollzeitstudium
  • Standort: Campus 1 Wiener Neustadt
  • Weiterempfehlung: Nein
  • Geschrieben am: 25.08.2022
  • Veröffentlicht am: 06.09.2022