This should be a 6 month program

Educational Technology (M.Sc.)

  • Studieninhalte
  • Dozenten
  • Lehrveranstaltungen
  • Ausstattung
  • Organisation
  • Literaturzugang
  • Digitales Studieren
  • Gesamtbewertung
There are a few small pieces of useful knowledge gained from this program, but that can all be condensed into a few weeks. The majority of the time is spent doing unhelpful writing assignments and chaotic group work. For some bizarre reason, the university chooses not to provide students with access to industry standard software, despite the fact that major companies like Adobe WANT students to learn their product.

The more interesting (and arguably useful) courses are not really related to Edutech, and you have to compete for limited slots to attend them. Some claim that the reason why the program is so "focused on theory" and in no way on practical application is because it is a research university. Yet the actual high tech cutting edge research on things like chatbots and intelligent tutoring systems is in an entirely separate department.

Overall, you will leave having learned just enough about technology to know that this department strangely keeps you away from any of it. Multiple colleagues have struggled finding employment afterwards and are now trying to learn coding.

Do yourself a favor and just google "cognitive load theory" and then take a statistics course and a python course. Then you will have gotten everything that the Edutech department provides in a fraction of the time. Given that the python course in Edutech is very rushed, you will actually probably gain more.
  • The library facilities are very good.
  • The program really does not leave you with practical skills or knowledge.

Aktuelle Bewertungen zum Studiengang

Estefan , 15.11.2023 - Educational Technology (M.Sc.)
Ibrahim , 31.10.2023 - Educational Technology (M.Sc.)
Anna , 30.10.2023 - Educational Technology (M.Sc.)
Anonym , 29.06.2023 - Educational Technology (M.Sc.)
Shravani , 08.12.2022 - Educational Technology (M.Sc.)
Xueli , 15.11.2022 - Educational Technology (M.Sc.)
Laura , 10.10.2022 - Educational Technology (M.Sc.)
Laura , 07.05.2022 - Educational Technology (M.Sc.)
Claudio , 30.05.2021 - Educational Technology (M.Sc.)

Über Anonym

  • Alter: 33-35
  • Geschlecht: Männlich
  • Studienbeginn: 2020
  • Studienform: Vollzeitstudium
  • Standort: Standort Saarbrücken
  • Weiterempfehlung: Nein
  • Geschrieben am: 31.10.2023
  • Veröffentlicht am: 06.11.2023