Vorheriger Bericht
Know what you're in for
A Complete Lack of Organization and Communication
The MSc program of Archaeological Sciences and Human Evolution is a program that is highly promising and suited to students who wants to specialize in archaeological sciences in theory. The professors are respected and accomplished, the labs are numerous and presents almost unique chances of work for master students compared to other universities.
However, unfortunately the deep structural problems of the department manages the overshadow all of it. Students are mostly unaware of what they are supposed to do because they are not informed about anything and even when they take the initiative to learn, there is no one to talk to in most cases. The problems are not due to professors' negligence per se, as they are also mostly completely in the dark regarding the requirements of the program, the structure of the department or even how to manage the university web portal to enter our grades to the system. All these results in a frustrating process for students who have to send emails to multiple people and wait weeks to get a clear answer on the most basic issues such as the requirements of a certain course or how to have a grade in their transcript for a course they completed a year before. Although recently some student representatives and professors are trying to solve the issues, the lack of communication and organization on the professors' part stalls the process greatly.
While the professors, the courses offered and the opportunities of the university have great potential, if you are looking for at least some kind of certainty, structure or organization, this program is not for you.
However, unfortunately the deep structural problems of the department manages the overshadow all of it. Students are mostly unaware of what they are supposed to do because they are not informed about anything and even when they take the initiative to learn, there is no one to talk to in most cases. The problems are not due to professors' negligence per se, as they are also mostly completely in the dark regarding the requirements of the program, the structure of the department or even how to manage the university web portal to enter our grades to the system. All these results in a frustrating process for students who have to send emails to multiple people and wait weeks to get a clear answer on the most basic issues such as the requirements of a certain course or how to have a grade in their transcript for a course they completed a year before. Although recently some student representatives and professors are trying to solve the issues, the lack of communication and organization on the professors' part stalls the process greatly.
While the professors, the courses offered and the opportunities of the university have great potential, if you are looking for at least some kind of certainty, structure or organization, this program is not for you.
- Labs and professors
- Lack of organization, difficulty of communication with the faculty, lack of communication between the faculty, the slowness of the bureaucratic processes
Wie gut ist deine Hochschule digital aufgestellt?
The easiest way to put the digital position of the university is to describe to circumstances of it. There is one student portal for registering to courses, to get grades etc. The site is broken in a way that professors are only able to enter grades for certain students, for example, without any possible explanation. Although the university claims to be very international, most of the information is only accesible in German. Reaching the professors online is not also a guarantee, waiting weeks or maybe even months for a simple answer is not uncommon or surprising. But to be fair, reaching non-academic stuff in person is impossible, so it puts thing a bit in perspective.
Ilgın hat 9 Fragen aus unserer Umfrage beantwortet
Verglichen wird die Aussage des Rezensenten mit den Angaben der Kommilitonen des Studiengangs.
Die Ausstattung der Seminarräume und Hörsäle könnte meiner Meinung nach moderner sein.
Ich kann die Klausurnoten nicht online einsehen.
Ich habe hier meine Leute gefunden, mit denen ich gut zurecht komme.
Ein- bis zweimal pro Woche gehe ich feiern.
Die Wohnungssuche war echt schwierig.
Nur in Ausnahmefällen werden Vorlesungen bei uns abgesagt.
In meinem Studiengang gibt es eine Anwesenheitspflicht.
Für mich ist das Lernpensum genau richtig.
Für meine Klausuren lerne ich meist alleine.