
The Mechatronics & Robotics Master's programme is a modern, modularised, English-taught full time programme with a high proportion of practical engineering training. The courses offered are being offered jointly by the two Faculties of Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering at Schmalkalden University of Applied Sciences. This cooperation makes it possible to offer students outstanding interdisciplinary learning and study conditions in excellently and modernly equipped laboratories with latest technologies. Students study together in the first two semesters, but are assigned to one of the two specialization subjects electrical or mechanical engineering. The subject assignment takes place at the beginning of the course and should be oriented towards the respective Bachelor's degree and the individual interest of the applicant.

Letzte Bewertungen

Shubham , 12.06.2024 - Mechatronics & Robotics (M.Eng.)
Kiran , 07.06.2024 - Mechatronics & Robotics (M.Eng.)
Onkar , 03.06.2024 - Mechatronics & Robotics (M.Eng.)
Shubham , 02.06.2024 - Mechatronics & Robotics (M.Eng.)
Vallabh , 19.05.2024 - Mechatronics & Robotics (M.Eng.)


3 Semester tooltip
Master of Engineering
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  • University Degree in Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics, Electrical Engineering, or similar granted for a seven Semester (Bachelor) Programme at a recognised University
  • Your (Bachelor) Degree needs to contain a workload of at least 10 ECTS of Mathematics and at least 10 ECTS of Physics and an overall workload of engineering/science subjects of at least 90 ECTS.
  • Your (Bachelor) Degree needs to be granted with a Final Grade equal or better 2,5 on the German Grading Scale (Grade will be transferred by SUAS).
  • English Language Qualification: E.g. TOEFL IbT Score equal or better 79, Proof of English as Medium of Instruction in Bachelor’s Programme or others
100% Weiterempfehlung
130 EUR Semester fee (incl. free use of the Thuringian regional train)
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Students are taught technical and scientific engineering skills and abilities for the holistic development and manufacture of mechatronic products. In particular, the development methodology, for which German engineering is world-famous, is taught both theoretically and practically in special learning units. Special emphasis is placed on the handling of engineering simulation and software tools as well as on the latest rapid manufacturing technologies. The acquired knowledge and skills enable the graduates to take on responsible work in all areas of a modern business enterprise, including research. This also includes the ability to complete a doctorate in engineering at a later date.

Quelle: Hochschule Schmalkalden

The Master's programme Mechatronics & Robotics lasts 3 semesters of full time studies on site. In the first 2 semesters, students must attend 6 classroom courses with a workload of 5 ECTS credits each (total of 30 per semester). All modules are concluded with an examination at the end of the semester. The modules are assigned to three thematic groups: Electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and practical engineering work. During both semesters students work on an engineering project with an individual task. Particularly noteworthy are the two practical workshops in the second semester. The third semester is reserved for the Master's thesis. The Master's thesis is to be processed in a free enterprise with a practical task. Each student is responsible for the topic and the contact to the company. The work is, however, supervised according to the specialization by a professor of the responsible faculties. The study ends with a colloquium (oral defense).

Quelle: Hochschule Schmalkalden

Application is open from now! Please apply through the ONLINE APPLICATION FORM send the following documents by August 15th (arrival to SUAS) latest:

  • The Printed Version of the Application Form including filled and signed Annexes
  • An Officially certified Copy of your University Degree(s) including Transcript and certified Translation into English or German
  • A Proof of Level of English Language
  • A Curriculum Vitae
  • A Copy of the University Entrance Qualification (highest School Leaving Certificate)
  • A Copy of your Birth Certificate or of your Passport

The application needs to be sent by mail to:

Hochschule Schmalkalden
International Office – Team MERO
98574 Schmalkalden, Germany

Quelle: Hochschule Schmalkalden

Do not hesitate to contact us in case of any questions. The International Office will forward your email to the responsible person at SUAS:

International Office

Team Mechatronics and Robotics

Quelle: Hochschule Schmalkalden 2

Various events offer interested people the opportunity to learn more about studying and living in Schmalkalden live on site.

Quelle: Hochschule Schmalkalden


Corinna Endter
Hochschule Schmalkalden
49 (0)3683 688 1024

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System Akkreditiert

Allgemeines zum Studiengang

Ein Mechatronik Studium ist interdisziplinär ausgerichtet. Es sind verschiedene Fachbereiche beteiligt, zum Beispiel die Elektrotechnik, Informatik und der Maschinenbau. Das Studium bereitet Dich darauf vor, mechatronische Systeme, wie zum Beispiel Digitalkameras, automatisierte Getriebe, Roboter oder Antiblockierungssysteme für Fahrzeuge, zu planen und zu entwickeln.

Mechatronik studieren


Bewertungen filtern

Meine Erfahrung

Mechatronics & Robotics (M.Eng.)


Praxisnahes Lernen, freundschaftlicher Wettbewerb und atemberaubende Bergwanderungen - das ist die Hochschule Schmalkalden in Kurzform. Während die Kurse auf unterschiedliche Hintergründe ausgerichtet sind, ist der Star der Show das Robotiklabor. Hier werden die Professoren zu Projektleitern, und es gibt zahlreiche geförderte Initiativen. Bauen Sie Roboter, nehmen Sie an nationalen Wettbewerben teil und sammeln Sie Erfahrungen in der Praxis - das alles ist erwünscht! Die Prüfungen sind praxisorientiert, was den Charakter...Erfahrungsbericht weiterlesen

Good course good experience

Mechatronics & Robotics (M.Eng.)


During my time at Hochschule Schmalkalden, I immersed myself in a rigorous academic environment that fostered both theoretical knowledge and practical skills. As a Master’s student in Mechatronics and Robotics, I engaged in a variety of advanced coursework, including Vibration Engineering, Automation Control, Sensor Systems, and Robotics Vision. The hands-on projects and laboratory work allowed me to apply theoretical concepts to real-world scenarios, enhancing my problem-solving abilities and technical proficiency....Erfahrungsbericht weiterlesen

Perfect place for study

Mechatronics & Robotics (M.Eng.)


Schmalkalden is a Perfect place to study as it is very economical as well as with all studying facilities. Along side with that we also have various entertainment facilities and nearby trips as students such as schmalampics treks etc It is a perfect place for a student.

Enriching and Informative

Mechatronics & Robotics (M.Eng.)


Professor are very talented and understanding. Always answer the question be it about study or career. I just wish there were more project Fields in engineering for students to work. The staff is also quick in response for both dorms and any other clerical works from uni. Housing department and career services are doing there best as of now.

Verteilung der Bewertungen

  • 4
  • 12
  • 2
  • 2 Sterne
  • 1 Stern


  • Studieninhalte
  • Dozenten
  • Lehrveranstaltungen
  • Ausstattung
  • Organisation
  • Literaturzugang
  • Digitales Studieren
  • Gesamtbewertung

In dieses Ranking fließen 18 Bewertungen aus den letzten 3 Jahren ein. Dieser Studiengang hat insgesamt 23 Bewertungen erhalten. Alle Bewertungen, die älter als 3 Jahre sind, befinden sich im Archiv und fließen nicht mehr in das Ranking ein.


  • 100% empfehlen den Studiengang weiter
  • 0% empfehlen den Studiengang nicht weiter


¹ Alle Preise ohne Gewähr
Profil zuletzt aktualisiert: 07.2024