
This program adresses the changes that globalization and internationalization bring to today’s business models and company structures. It will provide you with an in-depth understanding of related economic concepts, international guidelines, global processes as well as specialist knowledge of English, leadership skills, and an appreciation of the subtle differences between cultures. After finishing the program, you will able you to set up and manage your own international company.

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Sersp , 22.06.2022 - International Management (M.A.)


4 Semester tooltip
21.120 €¹
Master of Arts
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The Master’s program in International Management (M.A.) (for Non-Business Graduates) aims to turn students into economic enablers. Whether you’re looking to go into marketing, HR or finance, you will not only have the economic expertise necessary to start your career, but will also know how to use this when identifying solutions. Management becomes both a skill and a way to think ahead, anticipating challenges but also facilitating change.

The Master’s program gives you an in-depth understanding of current economic and social challenges and teaches you to apply business measures in contexts such as society, technology, education, and culture. You will also learn how organizations work and how to communicate with multiple stakeholders inside and outside the economic arena in order to achieve long-lasting solutions. You will acquire skills such as:

  • Management essentials in a global context
  • Interdisciplinary project management
  • Advanced international management
  • German-language, intercultural and language skills
  • Economic thinking
  • Managerial economics
  • Finance for non-finance managers

Bachelor’s degree

  • You must have completed a Bachelor’s study program with at least 180 credit points.

Subject-specific admission requirements

  • You do not need to have earned credit points in a business-related subject in order to be admitted. Previous knowledge of economics is not required. Instead, you will have to pass an admissions test and attend an interview in which you will explain your motivation for joining the program.

Language skills

  • Your English language skills must be equivalent to Level B2 of the European Framework of Reference for Languages.
100% Weiterempfehlung
Sommer- & Wintersemester
Berlin, Köln
  • Tuition fees are location dependent.
  • An additional application fee may apply
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In your first and second semester, you’ll concentrate on managing global issues and advanced international business management. Among other things, you’ll discuss questions such as: What impact do corporate operations have on a global scale? How do cultural, political, and societal forces influence international marketing? How do data analytics help when tackling business problems?

Quelle: Hochschule Fresenius

The subjects you study will help determine how your career develops after graduation. At Hochschule Fresenius, you can follow your own path and choose one of the following majors for your third and fourth semester:

  • International Business (University of Chester): This major provides you with skills in numerous key areas of international management, including strategic financial management and business research methods.
  • International Finance (University of Chester): In this major, you’ll study the finer points of financial management and the responsibilities t involves, learning about topics such as relevant research methods and risk management.
  • Marketing Management (University of Chester): If you want to discover how products and services are marketed in an international context, then this is the major for you. You’ll learn about methods and strategies in the field of international marketing management.
  • Global Management (Hochschule Fresenius):This major is offered at Hochschule Fresenius and deals with various aspects of global management, such as human resources at international companies, and financial and innovation management

If you decide to pursue the additional Master of Science, you will spend an entire academic year (3 trimesters) at the University of Chester. Your Master’s program (M.Sc.) at the University of Chester will be recognized in full as a major for your Master of Arts (M.A.) at Hochschule Fresenius.

Quelle: Hochschule Fresenius

On our International Business Management (M.A.) study program, you will acquire practical and strategic knowledge in all areas of international business. As a graduate, you will be qualified to take on various roles within international companies and organizations, including:

  • Global Supply Chain Manager
  • International Project, Product, and Quality Manager
  • International Recruitment and Human Resources Manager
  • International Key Account Manager
  • International Business Consultant and Developer
  • Financial Auditor of International Companies

Quelle: Hochschule Fresenius

In addition to your regular lectures, we provide opportunities to enhance your personal and professional profiles. Our extracurricular portfolio of language and soft skills courses, workshops, and field trips will prepare you to start your career! All extracurricular activities are listed on our exclusive StudyPLUS online platform.

Quelle: Hochschule Fresenius



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Das International Management Studium schafft die Grundlage für Deine internationale Karriere: Mit dem Mix aus Betriebswirtschaft, Unternehmensführung und Fremdsprachen strebst Du eine Führungsposition in großen Konzernen an. Dieser Studiengang bietet Dir dazu verschiedene Möglichkeiten ins Ausland zu gehen und gibt Dir interessante Einblicke in die Abläufe eines Global Players.

International Management studieren


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Big Boss werden

International Management (M.A.)


International Management ist ein sehr großes und komplexes Themengebiet. Ich finde teilweise sind Fächer dabei die nicht wirklich notwendig sind. Dennoch ist der Studiengang sehr interessant und abwechslungsreich, natürlich gubts ohne fleiß kein Preis.

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  • 1 Stern


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  • Digitales Studieren
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¹ Alle Preise ohne Gewähr
Profil zuletzt aktualisiert: 05.2024