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International Literature and it’s national-ness

Internationale Literaturen (B.A.)

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  • Literaturzugang
  • Gesamtbewertung
I started out with a different minor. Another language on top of English, but that didn’t stick. Then I was made curious about international literature and thought it was an ideal complementary field of study for my mayor, English studies. I went into my first class with high expectations and anticipations of learning and comparing literature form Brazil to Japan. I was focused to much on the international-ness. Instead we learned about the basics of how to read, Analyse and interpret different literary sources. I was put out. I thought about changing my minor, again, but I gave it another shot since I thought I couldn’t switch again so soon. So I stayed in class until the end of the first semester and over time I came to appreciate the basics I was taught. I am glad to have stayed in this field if study as now, further into my studies I was able to elect classes such as translation or alchemical imagery in medieval and early modern literature. It is a bonus that they are all in English and such are complementary to my English mayor. And I have to tell you, I am so happy and glad I stayed with this field of study. I am glad I pulled through the first tough semester and gave it a second chance because it did not disappoint. I am looking forward on how the national literature of Germany is comparable to the international literature of the world and what influence and changes they brought for their respective ages.

Aktuelle Bewertungen zum Studiengang

Elisabeth , 02.04.2024 - Internationale Literaturen (B.A.)
Luise , 27.01.2024 - Internationale Literaturen (B.A.)
Jodie , 19.08.2023 - Internationale Literaturen (B.A.)
Ridal , 16.07.2023 - Internationale Literaturen (B.A.)
Anonym , 28.04.2023 - Internationale Literaturen (B.A.)
Anastasija , 13.03.2023 - Internationale Literaturen (B.A.)
Jana , 08.09.2022 - Internationale Literaturen (B.A.)
Sarah , 26.04.2022 - Internationale Literaturen (B.A.)
Evelyn , 08.03.2022 - Internationale Literaturen (B.A.)
Sarah , 08.02.2022 - Internationale Literaturen (B.A.)

Über Marie

  • Alter: 18-20
  • Geschlecht: Weiblich
  • Abschluss: Ich studiere noch
  • Aktuelles Fachsemester: 2
  • Studienbeginn: 2018
  • Studienform: Hauptfach
  • Standort: Standort Tübingen
  • Schulabschluss: Abitur
  • Abischnitt: 2,8
  • Weiterempfehlung: Ja
  • Geschrieben am: 04.06.2019
  • Veröffentlicht am: 18.06.2019