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Practical Experience

Global Management (M.A.)


The theory is taught with practical experience which makes us learn the concept thoroughly and also there were subjects that taught us about the concepts that differ in different parts of the globe.
Also, the lecturers were keen on solving our doubts and helped us when we were stuck at a point.

Holistic Experience

Global Management (M.A.)


The university does complete justice to the Course Title, Global Management. Being an international student my experience was flawless from the time of my joining. We as management students do not just learn from the topics taught in class and instead it is the overall experience that helps us to get a better perspective on the subject. Even during such trying times, the overall support, systematic administration procedures, and assistance...Erfahrungsbericht weiterlesen

Global management is overall perfect for Mgt guy

Global Management (M.A.)


I studied all meaningful subjects and I feel that for a global management subject its awesome. we have more option to choose carrier according to it. in our course we have online semester so its good that We can study from our comfort zone. During online lecture we also did case studies and this is so useful for better understanding. and research papers and presentation make us more competent.

Experience of First Semester

Global Management (M.A.)


As a newcomer, i have found the environment friendly and helpful in most cases. I also believe we are given enough opportunity to grow and learn different subjects. I especially appreciate the openness of some professors to alternative outlooks and their approach towards different ideas. Also, it is great that we are offered an open and friendly space to offer our own opinions even if they may vary from traditional...Erfahrungsbericht weiterlesen

Verteilung der Bewertungen

  • 18
  • 19
  • 3 Sterne
  • 2 Sterne
  • 1 Stern


  • Studieninhalte
  • Dozenten
  • Lehrveranstaltungen
  • Ausstattung
  • Organisation
  • Literaturzugang
  • Digitales Studieren
  • Gesamtbewertung

In dieses Ranking fließen 37 Bewertungen aus den letzten 3 Jahren ein. Dieser Studiengang hat insgesamt 47 Bewertungen erhalten. Alle Bewertungen, die älter als 3 Jahre sind, befinden sich im Archiv und fließen nicht mehr in das Ranking ein.


  • 100% empfehlen den Studiengang weiter
  • 0% empfehlen den Studiengang nicht weiter
¹ Alle Preise ohne Gewähr
Profil zuletzt aktualisiert: 02.2024