A disgrace of a Master's program

Comparative Studies in English and American Language, Literature and Culture (M.A.)

  • Studieninhalte
  • Dozenten
  • Lehrveranstaltungen
  • Ausstattung
  • Organisation
  • Literaturzugang
  • Digitales Studieren
  • Gesamtbewertung
If you're looking to study literature, this program isn't for you, especially if you want something on a Master's level.
The admission process is not so strict, so students who have no backgroud in literature can and do get admitted. This means that the standard has to be lowered for these students not to feel left out. The standard is so low that it can't even be seen on the same level as a Bachelor's program.
Creativity and new ideas aren't welcome. You're expected to parrot whatever the professor endorses. This approach shouldn't have a place in a Master's program, given that some of the students will go on to get their PhD's and enter the academic field, not knowing how to form original opinions and ideas, which is essential in a field like literature.
The discussion of literature is only limited to poiting out which trendy social topic is reflected in a novel. In other words, literary works aren't critiqued professially. It feels more like you're part of a book club rather than engaging in an academic discussion. Too much time is allotted to students' opinions, which don't go beyond whether or not they liked the novel in question. This kind of "critique" was highly discouraged in my Bachelor's program because of how unacademic it is.
It is not coducive to objective academic critique to encourage preconceived notions like "if a work is written by a woman, then it's a feminist work," which was unfortunately the approach of many professors in this program. Objectivity was completely absent.
It is disgraceful to call this a Master's program and create the assumption that any kind of professional academic literary education takes place. To put it into perspective, a professor said outright on the first day of a mandatory seminar that he doesn't like to teach classes and is only there because it's part of his job.

Armita hat 9 Fragen aus unserer Umfrage beantwortet

Verglichen wird die Aussage des Rezensenten mit den Angaben der Kommilitonen des Studiengangs.
  • Gibt es ausreichend Sitzplätze in den Hörsälen?
    Ich habe nie ein Problem damit, einen Sitzplatz im Hörsaal zu finden.
  • Wie beurteilst Du die Lage der Hochschule?
    Ich bin der Meinung, die Lage der Hochschule ist in Ordnung.
  • Ist Deine Hochschule barrierefrei?
    Ich glaube, der gesamte Campus ist barrierefrei.
  • Wie praxisnah ist Dein Studium aufgebaut?
    Ich beurteile mein Studium als sehr theoretisch.
  • Wie empfindest Du die Notenvergabe?
    Ich finde, die Notenvergabe erfolgt nicht immer gerecht.
  • Würdest Du diesen Studiengang nochmal wählen, wenn Du eine Zeitmaschine hättest?
    Wenn ich eine Zeitmaschine hätte, würde ich diesen Studiengang nicht nochmal wählen.
  • Bist Du Vegetarier oder Veganer?
    Ich bin kein Vegetarier oder Veganer.
  • Wie finanzierst Du hauptsächlich Deinen Lebensunterhalt?
    Meinen Lebensunterhalt finanziere ich hauptsächlich durch einen Job.
  • Haben Deine Eltern auch studiert?
    Meine Eltern haben auch studiert.
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Aktuelle Bewertungen zum Studiengang

Melissa , 27.11.2023 - Comparative Studies in English and American Language, Literature and Culture (M.A.)
Rebecca , 16.10.2022 - Comparative Studies in English and American Language, Literature and Culture (M.A.)
Mireja , 16.12.2020 - Comparative Studies in English and American Language, Literature and Culture (M.A.)
Arantzazu , 30.11.2019 - Comparative Studies in English and American Language, Literature and Culture (M.A.)
Laura , 23.03.2018 - Comparative Studies in English and American Language, Literature and Culture (M.A.)
Rosa , 12.12.2017 - Comparative Studies in English and American Language, Literature and Culture (M.A.)
Nana , 22.07.2017 - Comparative Studies in English and American Language, Literature and Culture (M.A.)
Laura , 26.10.2016 - Comparative Studies in English and American Language, Literature and Culture (M.A.)

Über Armita

  • Alter: 24-26
  • Geschlecht: Weiblich
  • Abschluss: Ja
  • Studiendauer: 6 Semester
  • Studienbeginn: 2018
  • Studienform: Vollzeitstudium
  • Standort: Standort Düsseldorf
  • Weiterempfehlung: Nein
  • Geschrieben am: 06.12.2023
  • Veröffentlicht am: 07.12.2023