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Good course, but can be better!

Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (M.Sc.)

  • Studieninhalte
  • Dozenten
  • Lehrveranstaltungen
  • Ausstattung
  • Organisation
  • Literaturzugang
  • Gesamtbewertung
I have studied Master in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology with the specialization in Power Systems and Renewable Energy. For the master course, there are various specialization students can choose from such as: Power Engineering (Lehrstuhl LENA), Power Electronics (Lehrstuhl Leistungselektronik ), Industrial Automation (fG - IFAT), Systems Theory and Automatic Control (fG - IFAT ), Automation/Modelling (fG - IFAT), Microelectronics/ MEMS etc.

There are a very few English taught courses compared to the German taught courses and the quality of the German taught courses are much better compared to the English taugh courses. The english taught courses are mostly basic courses with a few exceptions. So there was a lot to learn on the side which consists from the simulations of the power grids in Matlab to optimization theories and their uses in power network simulations etc (In regards to power systems control and operation). It would be better if German taught courses could be taken in English as well.

Teachers/ Lecturers:
The professors are good. However, they can be a bit more experienced in handling an English class and can have better content in the classes. Lecturers are pretty good and communicative. There is a scope to learn the most via project works and master thesis to strengthen the knowledge of the core subjects. The supervisors are mostly very helpful and extremely understanding of the situations and they offer a much better learning opportunities than the lectures.

Organizational issues are very common amongst international students. That stems mostly from a gap in communication. There can be much better handling of the situation with the help of specific experienced people (or seniors of the course) who can guide the students towards a better career direction.

The library is pretty big and consists of a lot of books. But here also the number of German books are much more than the english books. There is an access to a lof of conference and journal once you are connected to the university network. Special journals and books can also be ordered. The staff in Library are really helpful and it is mostly easy to figure out how it works.

The study time here in the universiy can be enjoyed pretty well. There can be a good opportunity to make good connection within the academia and the industry if good enough effort is put into it. But communication gap between students and faculties can lead to a bitter and unsatisfying studying experience.
  • Good lecturers, various specialization opportunities
  • Comparatively lesser English taught courses, Organisational problems

Rahul hat 10 Fragen aus unserer Umfrage beantwortet

Verglichen wird die Aussage des Rezensenten mit den Angaben der Kommilitonen des Studiengangs.
  • Gibt es organisierte Studentenpartys?
    Ich bin der Auffassung, dass es nur selten organisierte Studentenpartys gibt.
  • Wie umfangreich ist das Hochschulsport-Angebot?
    Ich bin begeistert vom vielfältigen Hochschulsport-Angebot.
  • Sind die Öffnungszeiten des Sekretariats in Ordnung?
    Ich habe angegeben, dass das Sekretariat ausreichend geöffnet ist.
  • Wie beurteilst Du die Lage der Hochschule?
    Ich bin der Meinung, die Lage der Hochschule ist in Ordnung.
  • Gibt es eine Klimaanlage in den Hörsälen?
    Ich freue mich über Klimaanlagen in manchen Hörsälen.
  • Gibt es Parks, Grünflächen oder Seen in unmittelbarer Nähe der Uni?
    Ich finde es toll, dass es in unmittelbarer Nähe zur Hochschule Parks, Grünflächen oder Seen gibt.
  • Ist Deine Hochschule barrierefrei?
    Ich glaube, der gesamte Campus ist barrierefrei.
  • Stellen Deine Dozenten die Skripte auch online bereit?
    Ich freue mich, dass fast alle Dozenten ihre Skripte auch online bereitstellen.
  • Haben Deine Eltern auch studiert?
    Meine Eltern haben auch studiert.
  • Fährst Du in den Semesterferien in den Urlaub?
    In den Semesterferien fahre ich nicht in den Urlaub.
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Aktuelle Bewertungen zum Studiengang

Shubham , 22.08.2023 - Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (M.Sc.)
Tafeel , 01.03.2023 - Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (M.Sc.)
Shiv Nileshkumar , 17.07.2021 - Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (M.Sc.)
Awais , 12.08.2020 - Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (M.Sc.)
Bharath , 16.03.2019 - Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (M.Sc.)

Über Rahul

  • Alter: 24-26
  • Geschlecht: Männlich
  • Abschluss: Ja
  • Studiendauer: 7 Semester
  • Studienbeginn: 2014
  • Studienform: Vollzeitstudium
  • Standort: Standort Magdeburg
  • Schulabschluss: Fachgebundene Hochschulreife
  • Weiterempfehlung: Ja
  • Geschrieben am: 06.05.2019
  • Veröffentlicht am: 14.05.2019