Vorheriger Bericht
Unqualifizierte Dozenten
Clearly not worth the price
It is extremely expensive for what is offering. The courses and assignments are chaotic. There is no organisation whatsoever. A lot of lecturers are incompetent, not being able to comprehend clearly the language they use to teach their class. This creates a lot of misscomunication and inconsistency. The staff is not willing to help when any of these concerns are brought up, but they are willing to deny these and eventually put the blame on you for complaining. Everything is unstructered, unfair and a complete waste of time and money. The only quick improvement that can be done is to make the attendance not mandatory, so we can pay for our degree and not waste time with it.
- you can get accepted easly
- too expensive, nearly no support from staff/lecturers, poor teaching quality, students are treated unfairly most of the time, it is only a business and not a university
Cristina hat 2 Fragen aus unserer Umfrage beantwortet
Verglichen wird die Aussage des Rezensenten mit den Angaben der Kommilitonen des Studiengangs.
Wenn ich eine Zeitmaschine hätte, würde ich diesen Studiengang nicht nochmal wählen.
Meine Dozenten kann ich meist nur schlecht erreichen.