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Maybe this study program is not the best option

Environmental and Resource Management (B.Sc.)

  • Studieninhalte
  • Dozenten
  • Lehrveranstaltungen
  • Ausstattung
  • Organisation
  • Literaturzugang
  • Digitales Studieren
  • Gesamtbewertung
I do not regret coming to Cottbus to study, because the city is an amazing student city with many interesting people from all over the world. It is not a big university, so you see people you know everywhere you go. However, reflecting on the study program, I would not recommend it.

Even though I am able to apply to many different kinds of master programs in the environmental field, I feel like this bachelor has not provided me with sufficient core knowledge for my future career. Most of the modules consist of memorizing texts from filled power points. There are almost no modules that require you to independently think and make decisions. Instead, you often get provided with question catalogues, where you memorize the answers for the exam... On top of having little excursions or practical experiences, this program is simply a mix of business administration and environmental sciences. We are not prepared to work as an environmental manager.

Modules such as biology, ecology and business administration cover the surface and often repeat what has been taught in school. There is also no opportunity to deepen your knowledge, explore your interests or to take modules from other courses that are in German. Please consider all your options before coming here.
  • Awesome people (many of which are from all over the world), beautiful landscapes around Cottbus (e.g. Spreewald), small size in classes
  • Little practical experiences, very shallow content & no connection to "the real world"

Aktuelle Bewertungen zum Studiengang

Kim , 06.08.2022 - Environmental and Resource Management (B.Sc.)
Obi , 30.01.2022 - Environmental and Resource Management (B.Sc.)
Svenja , 22.07.2021 - Environmental and Resource Management (B.Sc.)
Laura , 24.06.2021 - Environmental and Resource Management (B.Sc.)
Franka , 15.01.2021 - Environmental and Resource Management (B.Sc.)
Marie , 30.11.2020 - Environmental and Resource Management (B.Sc.)
Philip , 10.10.2019 - Environmental and Resource Management (B.Sc.)
Beatrice , 14.09.2019 - Environmental and Resource Management (B.Sc.)
Christopher , 11.03.2019 - Environmental and Resource Management (B.Sc.)
Anonym , 22.05.2017 - Environmental and Resource Management (B.Sc.)

Über Thea

  • Alter: 21-23
  • Geschlecht: Weiblich
  • Abschluss: Ja
  • Studiendauer: 8 Semester
  • Studienbeginn: 2016
  • Studienform: Vollzeitstudium
  • Standort: Zentralcampus
  • Schulabschluss: Abitur
  • Abischnitt: 1,5
  • Weiterempfehlung: Nein
  • Geschrieben am: 11.08.2020
  • Veröffentlicht am: 13.08.2020