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Lovely study place

Software Design (B.Sc.)


My university is a place where learning becomes an exciting journey. I appreciate its friendly atmosphere and diverse learning opportunities. The teachers here are inspiring, the curriculum is diverse and the atmosphere allows you to truly reach your potential.

Interactive learning

Software Design (B.Sc.)


In project management, we usually have interactive learning where each student in the class engage in a mini game that have a certain goal to achieve. It was a real good real-life experience as we learn and have fun at the same time. It is better than getting input in lectures as we apply all the new information instantly. The professor is also attentive towards our end of semester project...Erfahrungsbericht weiterlesen

Cooler Studiengang, oft unstrukturiert

Software Design (B.Sc.)


An sich ist der Studiengang sehr cool, aber die Dozenten sind oft unstrukturiert.
Wäre dies nicht so, wäre der Studiengang eine klare Empfehlung, so aber gerade so nur. Es gibt zu viele Projekte die zu erledigen sind, bei denen man dann zu wenig Amgaben bekommt.

Straight-Forward program structure

Software Design (B.Sc.)


The structure of the program includes a handful of materials that help the student with job opportunities, the lecturers are very nice and understandable of the situation of international students, for a first year international program the university offer a good course and opportunity for people who did not manage to finish C1 german to continue the language study along with programming languages courses.

Though it is tough for...Erfahrungsbericht weiterlesen

Verteilung der Bewertungen

  • 1
  • 13
  • 2
  • 1
  • 1 Stern


  • Studieninhalte
  • Dozenten
  • Lehrveranstaltungen
  • Ausstattung
  • Organisation
  • Literaturzugang
  • Digitales Studieren
  • Gesamtbewertung


  • 100% empfehlen den Studiengang weiter
  • 0% empfehlen den Studiengang nicht weiter
¹ Alle Preise ohne Gewähr
Profil zuletzt aktualisiert: 12.2023