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Unique subject for industry automation

Scientific Instrumentation (M.Sc.)


Actually it is my first semester, so it is quite soon to talk about the experiences, but generally the university programs and the educational facilities are so good. I think the course contents could be better by variation in more subjects and, maybe in the next semester I can achieve this goal.

A rudimentary stdy

Scientific Instrumentation (M.Sc.)


This course offers starter-pack knowledge for many industry options with diversified modules that can give a good start to your career. Facility’s are not state of the art but they do the job, the course population can be diversified by tweaking the selection criteria but some subject professors can be given a better training to handle the pupils too. Overall, a good course with nice environment.

Best course

Scientific Instrumentation (M.Sc.)


I feel, I am with the best university, best management, one of the best support for international students.

Best opportunity for Mechanical, electric and software engineers. And very helpful module and support to switch the field of job. In specific as a mechanical engineer I loved all the modules.

A Hands-On Journey into Precision Tools

Scientific Instrumentation (M.Sc.)


Studying scientific instrumentation can provide hands-on experience in designing, building, and using precision tools for scientific research. This field encompasses a wide range of devices, from basic laboratory equipment to advanced technologies like spectrometers or particle detectors. Students may gain skills in calibration, data analysis, and troubleshooting, preparing them for careers in research, development, or quality control. Practical applications span various scientific disciplines, offering diverse opportunities for learning and exploration.

  • 10
  • 29
  • 8
  • 2 Sterne
  • 1 Stern
  • Studieninhalte
  • Dozenten
  • Lehrveranstaltungen
  • Ausstattung
  • Organisation
  • Literaturzugang
  • Digitales Studieren
  • Gesamtbewertung

In dieses Ranking fließen 47 Bewertungen aus den letzten 3 Jahren ein. Dieser Studiengang hat insgesamt 109 Bewertungen erhalten. Alle Bewertungen, die älter als 3 Jahre sind, befinden sich im Archiv und fließen nicht mehr in das Ranking ein.


  • 100% empfehlen den Studiengang weiter
  • 0% empfehlen den Studiengang nicht weiter
¹ Alle Preise ohne Gewähr
Profil zuletzt aktualisiert: 07.2024