Diving from computers into finance

Financial Management (MBA)

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  • Digitales Studieren
  • Gesamtbewertung
Money matters fascinates me, hence to take plunge into business world I decided to pursue M.B.A. in Finance. Not having any experience in this field and adding to it my technical education background has brought it's own fears and made me enough nervous doubting my chances of coping up with such demanding course. But, once in the university the atmosphere has changed. I came to know that I was no the first one to make such career turn, in fact faculty made sure that inclusion of students of my nature had all issues addressed with master's office being available for almost everything we needed. With internationally diverse group it was fun and learning experience to work with peers, in projects and presentations. The university has made huge effort in making students settling in smooth while addressing tiny of the issues with international office playing a key mediator role between dorms and students, conducting outdoor activities, formalities after arrival and so on. With highly accomplished professors who are warm and welcoming to any sort of academics doubts or future planning enabling us to have clear picture of the choices we make. Over all the learning at its best here in Hochschule Coburg. I concur with our esteem alumni that this is one of the best places to study in Germany.
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Naresh hat 1 Frage aus unserer Umfrage beantwortet

Verglichen wird die Aussage des Rezensenten mit den Angaben der Kommilitonen des Studiengangs.
  • Wie kommst Du mit Deinen Kommilitonen zurecht?
    Ich finde, an unserer Hochschule herrscht eine Ellbogengesellschaft.
    43% meiner Kommilitonen haben hier Freunde fürs Leben gefunden.
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Aktuelle Bewertungen zum Studiengang

Joswita , 20.12.2023 - Financial Management (MBA)
Rujuta , 11.05.2023 - Financial Management (MBA)
Suraj , 08.05.2023 - Financial Management (MBA)
Alagie , 08.05.2023 - Financial Management (MBA)
Anonym , 08.05.2023 - Financial Management (MBA)
Anonym , 02.03.2023 - Financial Management (MBA)
Anonym , 02.03.2023 - Financial Management (MBA)
Tackie , 02.03.2023 - Financial Management (MBA)
Lakshay , 02.03.2023 - Financial Management (MBA)
Anonym , 13.09.2022 - Financial Management (MBA)

Über Naresh

  • Alter: 27-29
  • Geschlecht: Männlich
  • Studienbeginn: 2021
  • Studienform: Vollzeitstudium
  • Standort: Campus Friedrich Streib
  • Weiterempfehlung: Ja
  • Geschrieben am: 26.04.2022
  • Veröffentlicht am: 26.04.2022