
Cognitive Systems is a two-year int’l Master of Science Program with a research-oriented interdisciplinary curriculum. The program fosters theoretical and experimental investigations of cognitive processes together with computational modeling, the investigation of different cognitive/behavioral functions and their evaluation, as well as the application of methods and techniques in various technical applications areas. It provides an ideal foundation of theoretical and methodological knowledge to enable students to keep pace in a dynamic field that is, and will continue to be, characterized by constant development and change.

Letzte Bewertungen

Ioana , 23.11.2023 - Cognitive Systems (M.Sc.)
Cihan , 23.11.2023 - Cognitive Systems (M.Sc.)
Bao Xin , 09.10.2021 - Cognitive Systems (M.Sc.)


4 Semester tooltip
Master of Science
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The MSc programme in Cognitive Systems at Ulm University provides a unique study and research environment with computer science and psychology in one faculty. The course programme consists of combinations of subjects and interdisciplinary courses being taught by experts in the field. The four-semester programme is divided into four subjects – Basic, Interdisciplinary, Special and Applied – and is completed by a Master's thesis. In the mandatory coursework of Basic and Interdisciplinary Subjects, students become familiar with the most important theoretical and methodological principles of disciplines which are complementary to their prior training: students with a Bachelor's degree in psychology or related fields are introduced to fundamentals of computer science; students with a Bachelor's degree in computer science, media informatics, a natural science or technical field are introduced to general psychology and experiment design. Students are introduced to fundamental concepts of cognitive systems, their underlying computational mechanisms, and get an overview of different approaches on formal modelling to investigate functions of cognitive systems. A research-oriented colloquium is offered, in which invited speakers report on the latest developments in various aspects of the subject area. In the elective coursework of Special and Applied Subjects, students further deepen methodical contents and specialisation in the context of Cognitive Systems. The modules in the Applied Subject are all organised as projects and thus offer the opportunity for various practical work in close cooperation with the scientific institutions supervising the study programme.

For their Master's thesis, students work in interdisciplinary research groups that support the course programme of Cognitive Systems or at an external institution that is active in the field of Cognitive Systems.

  • bachelor degree covering at least one of the three subjects relevant to cognitive science: information processing in natural systems, information processing in technical systems or mathematical modelling.
  • bachelor degree with an overall grade of 2.5 or better

If a degree has not yet been awarded,

  • previous study and examination achievements up to the time of submission of the application with an average grade of 2.5 or better
  • language skills at level C 1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
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The study of cognitive systems and their properties is an interdisciplinary research field intersecting different scientific disciplines, e.g. computer science (artificial intelligence and neural information processing), physics and engineering, psychology, biology and neuroscience, and various clinical sciences such as psychiatry, and philosophy. To achieve cognitive functionality, systems shall be equipped with mechanisms that provide capabilities to realise

  • perception and cognition,
  • learning and memory,
  • planning, decision-making and reasoning, and
  • interaction.

In the English Master of Science (MSc) course Cognitive Systems at Ulm University, the theoretical and empirical basics of cognitive abilities are presented and models are developed. Such models make it possible to investigate and evaluate mechanisms of cognitive systems - both biological and technical. The results form the basis for the development of theories and models of cognitive function for various applications.

Quelle: Uni Ulm

The profile of this course of study qualifies graduates for work in scientific research as well as in industrial areas with career fields where the seamless interaction of humans and technology plays a central role. Cognitive systems are extremely important to information technology in intelligent systems development and to scientific investigations of human-machine interaction with a focus on human capabilities and system’s adaptability to user preferences. Such domains and contexts reach into the automobile industry, medical technology, design and evaluation of intelligent systems components, and to all high-tech fields in general. Other potential career paths include research and development in cognitive ergonomics, multimedia, e-learning, interface design or, for instance, prosthetics.

Several companies in Ulm and the surrounding region are potential employers for graduates of the master's course Cognitive Systems. For example, the research area of automotive technologies offers various domains in which cognitive functions of future technological solutions are mandatory. Self-driving cars with non-monitored driving capabilities (level 3 to 5) require surround sensing and analysis, autonomous planning, and decision-making function. Such functionalities and mechanisms are at the core of cognitive systems research. Research and development branches of automotive, sensor and intelligence, and communication and telecommunication have settled in the Science Park Ulm. Furthermore, topics such as cognitive ergonomics, interface design, or usability are highly relevant for several small and medium-sized enterprises in the Ulm region, who work in the areas of transport technology, mechanical engineering, or auditory perception and speech recognition technology.

Limited places (20).

Application from 1 April until 15 May. For details, please check the application website.

For more information click here.


Dr. Markus Maucher
Uni Ulm
+49 (0) 731 50 24106

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Very great - I recommend this programme

Cognitive Systems (M.Sc.)


I really enjoyed the diversity of the courses offered, as well as the different projects we could collaborate on. A lot of teamwork was involved, but also senior students would guide us with homework for the more complex courses (such as Cognitive Systems Modelling). My favorite subjects were those related to Human-machine interaction, autonomous vehicles, and learning about moderm research through presentations done by colleagues. I also appreciated the opportunity...Erfahrungsbericht weiterlesen

Noch vor Midjourney und ChatGPT

Cognitive Systems (M.Sc.)


Noch bevor Midjourney und ChatGPT rauskamen und den KI Hype rausbrachten, wurde bereits über die Möglichkeiten und die Umsetzung von KI unterrichtet. Man kann sich aber auch in andere Gebiete vertiefen wie z.B. die Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion (eher Psychologie orientiert) oder Robotics (eher technisch orientiert).

Im Großen und Ganzen fühlte man sich up to date mit den Zukunftstrends.
Die Fakultät schien reichlich Sponsoren aus der Industrie zu haben. Man war technisch...Erfahrungsbericht weiterlesen

Sehr unterschiedliche Erfahrungen

Cognitive Systems (M.Sc.)


Das Studium in Deutschland ist ganz anders als das Studium in meinem Heimatland. Das Bildungssystem und der Unterrichtsstil sind völlig anders. Ich schätze den kulturellen Unterschied und die internationale Erfahrung während dieses Kurses. Ich respektiere auch, wie meine Dozenten für ihre Projekte arbeiten. Sie sind wirklich professionelle Wissenschaftler. Es hat mir wirklich die Augen geöffnet, in Deutschland zu studieren. Ich habe hier auch etwas über die verschiedenen statistischen Werkzeuge, die...Erfahrungsbericht weiterlesen

Überwiegend Mathe + Informatik

Cognitive Systems (M.Sc.)

Bericht archiviert

Abi-Mathe von vor 10 Jahren mussten sitzen, um von Anfang an mithalten zu können.
Psychologie-Niveau war ziemlich niedrig, aber eine schöne Wiederholung.
Die Einführung in die Informatik ist sehr hilfreich. Man versucht bei Nichtinformatikern das Niveau schnell auf die richtige Stufe zu bringen.

Verteilung der Bewertungen

  • 5 Sterne
  • 2
  • 1
  • 2 Sterne
  • 1 Stern


  • Studieninhalte
  • Dozenten
  • Lehrveranstaltungen
  • Ausstattung
  • Organisation
  • Literaturzugang
  • Digitales Studieren
  • Gesamtbewertung

In dieses Ranking fließen 3 Bewertungen aus den letzten 3 Jahren ein. Dieser Studiengang hat insgesamt 4 Bewertungen erhalten. Alle Bewertungen, die älter als 3 Jahre sind, befinden sich im Archiv und fließen nicht mehr in das Ranking ein.


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  • 0% empfehlen den Studiengang nicht weiter


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Profil zuletzt aktualisiert: 03.2024