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Studying abroad at Hochschule Fresenius

Bioanalytical Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Analysis (M.Sc.)

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Having graduated from the Faculty of Pharmacy. Studying Bio and Pharmaceutical Analysis in Idstein was the best next step I took. however, this course turned out to be very chemistry oriented. I have chosen this specialty for its distinguished high degree in high-tech research concerning analysis. I have also discovered that this master's course is very attractive for the industry.
This Master’s course holds a tradition of qualitative education, excelling infrastructure as well as curriculum. My first few lectures and lab courses were very hard for me to absorb as this whole subject was new to me. However, with the packed and dense contemporary technology related to mass spectrometry mainly and different bioanalytical techniques generally and the diversified professional staff provided a solid base for my future plans in the discipline I have chosen.
On the other hand, you find some kind of nepotism with some students, especially students who graduated there. However, the visiting lecturers were very nice and the dean helped me a lot and was great support for both native and international students.
At Hochschule Fresenius they like to keep their doors always open for communication. Warmly welcoming all students that are eager to gain significant knowledge through their study material.

Overall, my experience was joyful and I got to meet wonderful people. The course itself was very chemistry oriented and it can be helpful for pharmacists aiming to work in pharmaceutical companies (validation, characterization..etc). Does the master course deserve the money, some people say it doesn't; they expected more. In my opinion, I think it does, you are exposed to a wide range of instruments, course materials, and connections with relationships. all of this in one year! so it is well deserved.
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Aktuelle Bewertungen zum Studiengang

Vanessa , 29.07.2021 - Bioanalytical Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Analysis (M.Sc.)
Susanne , 10.12.2017 - Bioanalytical Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Analysis (M.Sc.)
Alina , 03.03.2015 - Bioanalytical Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Analysis (M.Sc.)
ABCXYZ , 19.02.2015 - Bioanalytical Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Analysis (M.Sc.)

Über AD.

  • Alter: 24-26
  • Geschlecht: Weiblich
  • Studienbeginn: 2016
  • Studienform: Vollzeitstudium
  • Standort: Hauptstandort Idstein
  • Weiterempfehlung: Ja
  • Geschrieben am: 26.05.2020
  • Veröffentlicht am: 08.06.2020