
Das Studium "Finance" an der staatlichen "Hochschule Schmalkalden" hat eine Regelstudienzeit von 3 Semestern und endet mit dem Abschluss "Master of Science". Der Standort des Studiums ist Schmalkalden. Das Studium wird als Vollzeitstudium angeboten. Das Studium wurde bisher leider noch nicht bewertet.
Die Cellarius-Bibliothek
Quelle: Nicole Heinze


3 Semester tooltip
Master of Science
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Sommer- & Wintersemester

The M.Sc. in Finance offers the opportunity to deepen your knowledge in finance. It is intended for students with an undergraduate degree in business, economics, management or related areas - especially with an international degree or international orientation - who have a strong interest in finance and wish to pursue a career in this area.

The programme is designed to individually respond to the preferences and priorities of students in the area of Finance in the best possible way. You individually select modules from the Finance and Accounting curriculum. Besides core Finance and Accounting topics, you have the opportunity to complement your focus in this area by further electives in innovative areas of digital, behavioural and sustainable finance. The study programme is rounded off by electives from a variety of modules in areas such as Economics, Management and Philosophy.

Quelle: Hochschule Schmalkalden

Important for you to know: the application requirements

Outstanding academic degree in Business, Management, Economics or related disciplines (Bachelor, Diploma or equivalent degree). You should belong to the best 25% of graduates of your degree program. A confirmational letter from your university would be helpful for us to assess this qualification.
Proof of English language ability for non-native speakers: ToEFL minimum score 86 ibT (internet-based) points or IELTS minimum score 6.5.
APS certificate for applicants with a degree obtained in China, India or Vietnam

The master’s program “Finance“ begins each winter & summer semester from October 2023 on. Application deadlines are as follows:

15 June – for an intake in Winter term (usually starts 1st of October)
15 December – for an intake in Summer term (usually starts 1st of April)

You have to apply online.

Quelle: Hochschule Schmalkalden

Corinna Endter
Hochschule Schmalkalden
49 (0)3683 688 1024

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Allgemeines zum Studiengang

Ein Banking and Finance Studium vermittelt angehenden Finanzprofis Fachwissen und Schlüsselkompetenzen, um in der Banken- und Finanzbranche arbeiten zu können. Neben Fingerspitzengefühl im Umgang mit Kunden ist vor allem Unternehmergeist gefragt. Der Bachelor oder Master Abschluss an einer staatlichen oder privaten Fachhochschule qualifiziert für anspruchsvolle Berater-, Vertriebs- und Managementfunktionen gleichermaßen. Die Hochschulen bieten Banking and Finance als duales Studium, Fernstudium oder Präsenzstudium an.

Banking and Finance studieren


¹ Alle Preise ohne Gewähr
Profil zuletzt aktualisiert: 02.2024